Cancer Free | Unending hope

Cancer Free | An Unending Hope

In honor of National Cancer Day, a day to raise awareness of cancer, encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. I am blessed to have a very special guest on the blog! Her name is Shelby and her story is one of courage, encouragement, and hope.

After our family losing two precious women last year to cancer, I am overjoyed that Shelby an overcomer, would bless us with her photos from our shoot in Joshua Tree and precious journey.

Shelby’s Journey

Cancer Free photoshoot Joshua Tree

An unending hope. An unrelenting joy. An unfolding story.

Cancer impacts us all in some shape or form. Some of you may have had to fight for your life or
walk alongside someone who has been afflicted with this disease. It is grueling–the numerous
doctors’ appointments followed with rounds of radiation and/or chemotherapy that leave you
feeling extremely weak and fatigued, to say the least. And my story is no different.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 21. For 10 months I
fought—I had a thyroidectomy followed by radiation and numerous types of testing. At times it
was overwhelming and very draining, but in the midst of it all I had hope—a hope only found in
Christ Jesus.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. || Romans 5:13

Those 10 months really showed me what it means to trust in the Lord and I wouldn’t change a
thing. I have struggled with fear for a long time. I tend to worry about things that are beyond
my control and this was no different. For months I carried the weight of this process on my
shoulders when all along God wanted me to give him something He already had in his control.
As I began to pray and seek God, I found that I needed to give up on trying to control a situation
bigger than myself. I had to give it to the one who is bigger than cancer: God.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength, they will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. || Isaiah 40:31


And on December 16, 2018, I celebrated TWO YEARS CANCER FREE! Glory to God!

Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. ||
Jeremiah 17:14

As I am thankful to be in remission, I know that my story isn’t over and God is still working on
me. Now I get to share my story as a way to glorify the Lord and bring hope to many. I know
that others may still be in the midst of the fight. I want to encourage you with this: Keep
pressing on with your eyes fixed on Jesus. He loves you and in Him, you will find strength.

My Prayer:

And my prayer for you is this: “God, you are good. You are the ultimate healer. Thank you for
the plans you have for us. I lift up those who need healing in their bodies and today I ask that
you would heal them completely. I pray that any pain or discomfort is removed. I pray that you
will give them a peace that surpasses all understanding—a peace that only you can give. Lord
comfort them and wrap your arms around them in this time of uncertainty. Lord give them the
strength and courage to keep fighting. And Lord I pray that we can bring glory to your name
with these trials you are trusting us with. We love you Lord. Amen.” ~ Shelby

Thank You!

Thank you Shelby for sharing your heart with us. We thank the Lord that you are CANCER FREE! We love you and are excited to see all that God has planned for you!

Friends, what an encouraging prayer. Likewise, it is my heart for all of us to know that God is the one we can turn to during any insurmountable difficulties in our lives. If this post blessed you, I encourage you to leave a comment below and to share it with others.

XO ~ Erica

Photography: Erica Mendenhall Photography

Wooden Sign: Rainy Day Dreamers Sign Co.