Idyllwild Engagement Session
Snow covered trees, oversized boulders and a serene lake was a perfect fit for this adventure loving couple during their engagement session in Idyllwild.
Meet Sean, Lauren and their adorable puppy Cooper!
If you’ve followed our blog for anytime at all, you know that besides “finding the perfect light” the most important thing to us is photographing those real moments together. You know the ones – laughing, smiling, hugging, snuggling, sweet kisses and “whispers in the ear”… keep scrolling, I’m sure you’ll agree that they totally nailed them all! (begin swooning now…)
Puppy love + Engagement Love, could this get any better? Why yes, with…
A perfect pillow for Sean (the Firefighter!) and Lauren! 🙂
Lauren was kind enough to share how they met with us…
side note: bring your tissues (it’s so dreamy) and someone to pick up your jaw after you say “no way, wow that is awesome” just like I did. (True story)
“The very first time I met my fiancé Sean was at a restaurant in Chino, California around three and a half years ago. I was his waitress! I just remember thinking, “okay.. this guy is way too good looking. Keep it cool, Lauren!” On account of my social awkwardness, we didn’t talk too much, but I did flash a couple double-thumbs-ups and a cheesy smile here and there from a distance to make sure everything was okay at his table. Keeping it cool is not my forte. A few weeks went by and I had yet to see him again…

…We had so much fun, and there was just so much laughter, I even remember my face hurting from smiling so much. A few hours went by when my friends and I decided it was time to go home for the night. I said goodbye to Sean (with a phone number of course!), and I’ll never forget that adorable, nervous expression on his face when he leaned in to kiss me goodnight. Right then, I knew. This silly, awkward, insanely handsome guy is who I’ve been waiting for. That night at the beach was my last first kiss with the love of my life. ” – Lauren
Talk about a romantic love at first sight story! Sean and Lauren are just darling and such a sweet couple. I had a blast photographing their Idyllwild engagement session. And it’s true, they both laughed so hard at times, my face was hurting from just smiling and watching them together. (Awe, true love)
Of course, our session would not be complete without a shot of Cooper being all puppy, all day, lol!
His cuteness ALMOST makes me want to bring home another yellow Labrador, I’m sure our Lucy wouldn’t object haha.
And can we just swoon over Lauren’s engagement ring for a moment please?!
Of course I couldn’t decide where I liked it best. Pine Cone? Or soft greenery colored moss?
(P.S. is it just me or are you seeing Pantone’s color of the year #greenery everywhere you look these days)
And that my friends is one of the most loveliest couples I have had the privilege of photographing.
Congratulations Sean and Lauren on your engagement!
Brock and I are SO excited for you, we can’t wait to photograph your wedding this year!
Location: Idyllwild, CA