Meet Lucy Love Our Yellow Labrador Puppy

Hello friends,  I’d like to introduce you to our newest member of the family; Lucy Love! We picked up her furry cuteness from our friendly breeder yesterday and have been in awe of her sweetness ever since.  We’ve only had her for less than 24 hours and she already knows where she can and can’t go, and to let us know when she has to go to the bathroom! She is SO smart. Of course, I expected nothing less from my lovey yellow lab, lol. Having had a chocolate lab for ten years previously, we knew we wanted another labrador.

And wouldn’t you know, she was the only yellow female lab – so I know she was meant to be for us! (Like the Bible says, God will give you the desires of your heart when your mind is stayed on Him…and it’s what I prayed specifically for forever :), so horray for answered prayers and God’s perfect timing. I love her!

Because I/we love her so much already, I find it only necessary to share this awesome new love with you our friends and family. I will be updating our adventures with our cutie girl Lucy Love periodically. In fact I’ve already dedicated a hashtag to her! Yes, I know…really?! Sure why not, it’ll be a fun way to see her grow up with us and you can even hashtag along with your furry friends.

If you’re already following Erica Mendenhall Photography on Instagram, then you’ll see #lucyloveadventures and all her cuteness! If you haven’t followed EMP yet, head on over and join in on the fun! Leave a comment and let me know what your favorite thing about your labrador is. Post your favorite labrador moment with hashtag #labradorfunemp and I may feature your puppy next on the blog!

Now without further ado, Meet Lucy Love! 

Hello Lucy Love! Our 6 week old yellow Labrador Retriever!

Lucy Love, already loves her ducky!

And her puppy rope, tug of war is her thing.

and sit on her chew toy

And scratches like a rabbit

Goes after her duck like the hunting dog she is

and of course loves to nap…

and nap….