Mini Sessions with a purpose

Hello Friends! I am so excited to bring you my latest news….Project Sunshine and Hope! This has been on my heart for a few years now and over the last year specifically it’s been a tug, and in June I will be donating half of all mini session investments to baby Tyler’s gofundme page, learn more here; Tyler’s Journey.

Sunshine and Hope will be a re-occurring project that you, your friends and family can easily be a part of. How? By sharing this page and learning more below.

My desire as a photographer has always been about capturing moments that we all cherish. The Father walking his Daughter down the aisle, the Groom’s fist look at his new Bride, the birth of a new baby, the family Christmas portrait, and I love every single one of those moments. But surely, there must be MORE that I can do. I want to use my talents to give back to those I know, to those I love and to those I’ve never even met. I believe I am here (just like all of you) for a specific purpose. Yes, of course it includes striving to be a great wife, an awesome mommy, respectful Daughter, Sister, Grand-Daughter, Friend…the list goes on. – Because as you may know, we woman tend to wear many hats, lol. Many of you drive the soccer shuttle or the ballet SUV, the softball tuck full of girls and boys…we mommies are the chauffeurs, the appointment makers, the schedulers, the shoppers, the financial advisers, the cleaning crew, the homework and school tutors – some of you are event the teachers. We all have a lot going on in our lives, and you know what….I wouldn’t trade it! Life is about balance, love, making memories with our family and for me, blessing those that I can reach for good. To help when they need help. To be the hands and feet that I am called to be.

Sunshine and Hope is just that. A little ray of sunshine and hope for those families in need. Baby Tyler is now 15months and is one of those little kiddos that needs our help. He was born with spinal bifida and has a complex array of other medical issues. Tomorrow is a big day for him as he undergoes 6-8 hours of surgery in the top Colorectal Child’s Hospital in Cincinnati. At first glance, Tyler looks ‘normal’ like nothing is medically wrong with him. He is always, always smiling, laughing, just a very happy baby. What a blessing his joyful spirit is, especially despite all the testing, x-rays, blood draws, surgeries, daily 40min medical routines before he can even get out the door…this little guy is a trooper! And I’m thankful to know his mommy, a dear friend of over 15 years, Kathy has such a loving, giving and patient heart. She and her family have been through a lot these last 15months, as you can imagine many, many Dr.’s appointments, specialists, and now top surgeons. Medical costs and just daily care for baby Tyler are growing and I would like to reach out and ask you to consider sharing baby Tyler’s story, donating to his page (ANY amount is a blessing) and scheduling your families session with me. Through the month of June I will be donating 50% to Tylers fund. I would love to surpass a personal goal of $1,000, and I believe that with your help we can! We can all help ease the strain of medical care, and costs for baby Tyler.

Over the next few months I will also be in the process of carefully considering another cause or family. Should you have one dear to your heart, please email me so that the family may be considered for this FALL’s Sunshine and Hope project. I want Erica Mendenhall Photography to be known as a company that loves people, their families, their friends; and who is willing to give back for those in need. Together we can make a difference, together we can be the Sunshine in the lives of others, together we can bring them hope by easing the financial burden.

Above all, your prayers, donations and time sharing the Sunshine and Hope project and baby Tyler’s Journey is deeply appreciated.

Hugs to all!


Matthew 7:12 Jesus says, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…”

Mini Sessions for Baby Tyler