Today we’re taking a look back at April, my Birthday month – yes, Birthday MONTH, I take after my Mother and celebrate it all month long! This year I turned the BIG 35! It’s crazy to think that I am in the “mid-thirties” category now, especially when my clients think I must have graduated High School “like two years ago?” Yeah…that really does happen, ALL THE TIME lol! In all fun I take it as a compliment, so by the time I am 40 I should look like I”m mid-twenties right? Nice! 🙂
So,what is this “Happy Birthday to Me” fuss all about? Well, back in February I chatted with an old High School friend about her custom pottery business; Purple Mountain Pottery. She creates beautiful tableware by hand and after seeing her recent pieces on her Facebook and Etsy page, it didn’t take me long to conclude that I wanted my own one of a kind, handcrafted tableware pieces for my 35th birthday! I”m “growing up now” it’s time my kitchen had a new look, a fresh start and you all know I love teal /blue/beachy tones, so of course Chrissy had just the perfect hue for me!
I can’t tell you how excited I am. I asked Chrissy to create a set of this gorgeous tableware for my birthday. I’ll be honest, I’ve never purposely planned months in advance to “gift” myself something, it was kinda odd at first, but then I thought..why not? I”m going to be 35, I want these plates, and they are fun! Life shouldn’t be so mundane. The white plates that we have been using for the last 14 years, have been great and they were a gift from my Abuela (who has been dancing in heaven for the last 3 years), I’m sure she would love my new pretty plates now!
On April 17th, Purple Mountain Pottery totally made my day….I picked up my tableware the day before my Birthday. Chrissy could not have planned it any better! I was like a kid in a candy shop! I love my mugs and bowls, and plates. I’m even thinking of having more made in another color. (what?! another color!) Yes, I know it’s very out of the box for me, I am a one color kind of gal, in fact if I see you wearing two different shades of the same color together to try to “match” my heart stops, lol! I’ve been that way since I was in elementary school – oh, it would drive my Mom crazy! I clearly remember the conversations, “No, Mom that hair tie is not the same pink as the pink in my shirt, or no those scrunchi socks (yea, you know you had a pair too) are not the exact same white as my shorts” haha! Oh, the memories!
All of that to say, I am very pleased with my tableware from Purple Mountain Pottery! Absolutely LOVE it, will be ordering more of it and I highly recommend you do too!
Chrissy, Owner of Purple Mountain Pottery, at the wheel creating another beautiful piece.