Blue Wave Media, INC. Corporate Session – Palm Springs Photographer

Several months ago I had the privilege of meeting Jodi, the Co Founder, President and CEO of Blue Wave Media, Inc.  and I must say I was completely amazed by what BWM is doing, is capable of doing and what their future plans hold. They are an extraordinary company and as you will see, they certainly were alot of fun! It was hilarious jokes, laughter and nothing but good times during our shoot and post production meetings.


To top off a great shoot was an awesome recommendation from my fabulous client :).

“I hired Erica to shoot photos of the Blue Wave Media team. She first sat with us to learn about who Blue Wave is and what we do. She then planned then shoot. It went perfectly. The team had a great time and the photos turned out absolutely wonderful. Her out-of-the-box ideas captured not only each individual professional, but also captured the fun, whimsical side of the entire BWM team! We can’t wait until the next shoot.

Thank you Erica!”

I must say I am blessed to have received such a great comment, which makes me love what I do that much more!

If you haven’t seen what Blue Wave Media is doing, I highly suggest you check out their website here. Of course click on their fb link and like their page, you don’t want to be left behind on this one :). Wave Media Gallery