Happy August! National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

Happy August! Can you believe the summer is almost over? Well, mine really won’t feel like it until the end of October (gotta love that Palm Springs 120 degree weather, lol! We do have beautiful winters though :). So, I knew today had to be special…not just because of the many August Birthday’s coming up, but also because its “National Raspberry Cream Pie Day”! YEAH!! Who knew?! I sure didn’t, lol!

I enjoy berries almost everyday. Raspberries certainly make the cut in my fridge, not only because they are super nutritious, but pretty, yummy and I have the fondest memories of raspberry picking with my childhood best friend.

Specifically, in the rain, it was the first time I had gone picking. I’ll never forget it. I remember jumping out of their family van, heading over to rows of raspberry bushes, being taught which ones to pick (making sure they didn’t have a bug in them – that was my biggest concern, ok still is, lol) and then all of a sudden the rain just let loose. It poured on us! As young teen girls, and remember desert rats – rain is rare, we had a ball. Talk about having contagious laughter – we did! Being totally soaked, raspberry picking with my best friend and her family was awesome!

So, it’s only fitting that I find you an awesome Raspberry Cream Pie Recipe. I came upon two. A gluten free and a non-gluten free. Both are delicious, pretty and look like alot of fun to make. I’m sure my girls and I will have a ball baking.

Check out this first recipe from The Pioneer Woman

This Second Recipe isn’t exactly cream pie, but it looked easy, fun and it’s gluten free! So, it’s a winner in my book.
Enjoy this recipe from Beyond Frosting.
So there you have it. Two scrumptious raspberry recipes to start off your National Raspberry Cream Pie Day!
Have a happy August friends!