Joshua Tree National Park Engagement Photos | Belen and Hector

Joshua Tree National Park Engagement Photos 

Meet Belen and Hector, an adventure seeking, Star Wars loving couple who celebrated their engagement with our photo session at the Joshua Tree National Park in California.

When I came across Belen’s Instagram hashtag, it was one of those “awe” moments because it’s so perfect and oh so cute! She’s had this hashtag since like 2012 and I can see why; #bellandhectorsadventure is exactly their relationship together. One fun, big adventure full of love, laughs and perfect moments in between. (P.S. they just got the most adorable puppy over the Holidays and named her Leia – a Star Wars influence…hmm, I’m thinking so, lol!)

Heading to Joshua Tree to “adventure together” only made sense. With gorgeous rolling clouds, and a full moon expected in the evening, we rode out to the Joshua Tree National Park to do some awesome adventuring together.

For those of you that we’ve been privileged to photograph over the years, you know how we roll… lots of smiles, laughs, jokes, song flashbacks and in the case of Belen and Hector it was a cartoon flashback of , “Captain planet, he’s our hero, he’s gonna take danger down to a zero..” or something like that anyway! We laughed so hard because we totally geeked out over the shows we used to watch as kids!

Of course their love story must have a beginning, and I wanted to know their WHY. What is it that makes Belen + Hector SO perfect for eachother? Here’s what they both agreed on…

Hector and I are perfect for each other because we are not perfect. We are opposite; he’s a morning person and I’m a night owl. He’s calm and I’m the furthest thing from that. What makes us perfect is not our like mindedness but the fact that we understand each other, that we will do anything for one another. We balance each other out. While our sense of humor is in sync, we both go towards it differently based on our personalities. I go direct and exuberant to make everyone laugh, Hector goes sarcastic and subtly until people get it. We are both extremely hard working and dedicated, to and for others but especially towards each other. He buys me pizza and I buy him tacos. We communicate and while that’s a “requirement” for all healthy and prosperous relationships, not everyone can achieve it. We are perfect for one another simply because we love each other.”

We LOVED reading this, and after spending the day with them, Brock and I could truly sense their love and respect for eachother. It was awesome!

Belen and Hector got the most “congratulations” and  “awesome shirts!” comments from passers by while they sported their Star Wars inspired tees.

Hers;  “I Love You” while His; “I know” tees were seriously so fun and creative. So why Star Wars? (Do I dare even ask, lol? Of course I did!)

Hector: I love Stars Wars because of the epic battles and the storyline is awesome. Star Wars was something for Belen and I to bond over and still bond over.

Belen: I love Star Wars because it is a way to bond with my brother and it has now become tradition to watch the movies together. He took me to see my first Star Wars movie. It was Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. From that day, I loved Star Wars. At the age of 11 I knew I wanted to be like Padme Amidala, a strong woman, a woman that doesn’t give up.

We say, YES! Yes, to bonding with family, your true love and for knowing at age 11 that you want to be a strong woman!

Belen and Hector are truly amazing people, their hearts are for for the greater good of others, we were touched to hear their stories and their future plans – something we will share with you after their wedding on May 6th 2017! We totally can’t wait! Until then, enjoy this adventure seeking, Star Wars loving couple and their engagement photos at Joshua Tree National Park.

Erica & Brock

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