Palm Springs Fall Family Portraits and Fundraiser

Palm Springs Fall Family Portraits and Fundraiser! This September and October join Erica Mendenhall Photography in donating 20 Sweet Cases to Foster Children in the U.S.A.

What are Sweet Cases? Sweet Cases are Duffle bags filled by Together We Rise, a non-profit organization that is making a difference in the lives of children across the United States entering the Foster Care System. These “Sweet Cases” are filled with hygiene kits, blankets, a stuffed animal, coloring books, crayons…little things to many of us, but huge things to children when they need it the most.

Did you know that when children enter the Foster Care System they are given TWO BLACK TRASH BAGS for their belongings and that many times, these children will be placed in different homes, and again move their belongings in these two trash bags. NO Child DESERVES A Trash Bag! 


For every Fall Family Session you will automatically be helping to fund-raise with me! My goal is 20 cases! That’s $25 per case, and with this great Fall fundraiser pricing, you’re getting an awesome opportunity to not only have your family photographed by yours truly, whom you know and trust, and who cares for you and your little ones ( I really do adore all of you!). But the double blessing is that your session will also be blessing two children you may never even meet. What a great opportunity for you to share with your family. To give in a way that costs you nothing extra in the way of donating. A portion of your session fee will be used to give TWO Duffle bags, what are also known as Sweet Cases to children across the United States! How awesome is that! I’m super excited about it. In fact September has very limited space now, only a few weekedays are available, all weekend dates are full! WOW!

October does have more open availabilty, which will be filling up fast.

Please view the flyer below with information on how to schedule your session. If you’d like to donate more than two Duffle bags or share my direct fundraiser link with others you can do so here:

Thank you in advance in helping to make a difference in the lives of Foster Children!



Fall Family Portraits and Fundraiser with Erica Mendenhall Photography

Fall Family Portrait Session and Fundraiser with Erica Mendenhall Photography.