It’s hard to believe that 13 years have gone by already. September 11th 2001 was more than just a devastating day for Americans, it was indeed a day that shook our humanity. I clearly remember as many do, where I was that tragic day. I was newly married, and at work. Within a matter of minutes of arriving to work, it seemed like we all spent the rest of the day with our eyes bulging from tears, our mouths a-gasp at what we were seeing broadcast on the news. The iPhone hadn’t been invented yet, and not many phones had cameras, (hard to imagine, right). I immediately called my husband, he hadn’t heard yet. “We must pray” I told him. What else could we do, BUT PRAY. My heart was incredibly distraught, and to this day I cry just thinking about the horrendous loss.
September 11th 2001, a day that we will never forget.